Secondary Education

Creating a community

50% of students surveyed said that they struggled to access period products
76% said their period has affected their education whether it was through missing classes or school.
79% said they have had to use an alternative to period products such as toilet roll or a sock because they couldn’t access any products
As a coach do you know how to approach this conversation?
35% did not feel prepared for their first period

(Anytime of the Month research, 2021)

There is an incredible gap in our education curriculum surrounding menstrual health. Together we can address that gap and provide students with the education they need to manage their own health.

The Solution?

Here at Anytime of the Month we have created a comprehensive and interactive education programme for young people, the first of its kind in Ireland. Our programme has been provided to over 150 student in Ireland. Our 6 topics cover everything that a young person needs to know:

What can you do?

Become an Anytime of the Month Ambassador. We provide our 1-hour interactive period-positive workshops to discuss period poverty, the stigma, menstruation, and eco-friendly periods. Our interactive workshop will give you the tools to create a period-positive campus to support students.

Topic 1: The science behind periods

Topic 2: The liquids of periods (blood, discharge)

Topic 3: The pain of periods (PMS, Cramps)

Topic 4: Period health (PCOS, TSS etc)

Topic 5: Period products

Topic 6: Society and Periods


We want to ensure long-term change within each school and that’s why we first train teachers to deliver our content which they will then have for life to deliver to multiple class groups. This removes the stigma surrounding periods in the school and ensures students can have open conversations at school.

    Get in Touch. Get Involved.

    We are always on the lookout for volunteers and corporate sponsors!

    University of Limerick

    Call Us: (235) 135-2351